PTF 2015 - Achieving Optimal Economic Benefits through Sustainable Tuna Management and Development

The biggest tuna industry gathering in the Western and Central Pacific region, the 5th Pacific Tuna Forum is scheduled from 22-23 September 2015 at...
Monthly trade statistics update - August 2015

Monthly trade statistics series by volume and unit value for the main seafood commodities. A year-on-year comparison and year-to-date partner break...
Oysters, clams, cockles, ark shells - September 2015

During the first quarter 2015 oysters trade recorded a growth, totalling about 13 000 tonnes.

CFC 7th Call for Proposals - Funding Innovation

The CFC is seeking applications to support business activities in the field of commodity development, including agriculture, minerals and metals in...
Mackerel - September 2015

Mackerel quotas for the main producing countries have been reduced by about 15% this year, and this may cause prices to rise.
Cod - September 2015

Booming cod market but weaker prices likely

World Fish Market at a Glance

A selection of the latest data available from the world fish market.
FAO Fish Price Index - August 2015 update

The FAO Fish Price Index (FPI) is regularly updated and published in GLOBEFISH publications and in the FAO Food Outlook.
European Market Prices - July 2015

A selection of graphs showing some species traded in the European market.

FAO Major Fishing Areas for Statistical Purposes

Have a look at the recently released FAO Major Fishing Areas for Statistical Purposes. It includes subareas and divisions for areas 27 and 37, to p...
Fish trade in Africa: an update

Despite significant progress, international trade has so far not served as an effective tool for the achievement of rapid and sustainable economic ...
State of the global market for shark products

This publication is intended to complement and inform the International Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks, developed in ...

OECD FAO Agricultural Outlook 2015-2024

The OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría and the FAO Director General José Graziano da Silva, have released the OECD FAO Agricultural Outlook 2015-2...
Conference on ‘Quality and Safety of Aquatic Products’: FAO showcases a typical innovation through the FTT-Thiaroye fish processing technique

The FTT-Thiaroye processing technique generated considerable interest at the ‘Campus de la Mer’ conference held recently (17 to 19 June 2015) in Bo...
Seafood Nitrogen Factors

Nitrogen Factor is used to measure fish content in processed products like coated fish or fish fillet with added water

9th Seafood Expo DUBAI 2015

Meet the seafood industry from Middle East and over 60 countries during the Dubai Seafood Expo 2015, 28 - 30 September 2015
Growth recorded in 2014 forecasts positive trends for 2015

The global seafood industry in 2014 was characterized by sustained high prices for many important species, and a continuation of major trends in pr...
EU calls for consultation on Blue Growth

During the recent World Ocean Summit, Commissioner Karmenu Vella, responsible for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries launched a public con...

FAO and GFCM strive to deter IUU fishing in the Mediterranean and Black Sea

From 20 to 24 April 2015, international experts met in in Marrakech, Morocco to discuss measures to deter IUU fishing during two working group meet...
Strengths, weaknesses and challenges of selected African small-scale fisheries presented in a World Bank study

In April, the World Bank published the results of a study carried out among nine African fisheries in six African countries (including Ghana, Kenya...
The UN celebrates World Environment Day 2015

World Environment Day (WED) is the United Nations’ principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the environment. The WED th...

Scallops - May 2015

In 2014, world imports of scallops reached 157 200 tonnes, showing a slight drop compared with 2013 (-3.6 %). China was the leading buyer, importin...
Vol 119 - The role of women in the seafood industry

One in two seafood workers is a woman. This worldwide desktop study, the first of its kind, presents what is known, and what remains to be investig...
Total fish production by country (tonnes) - 2013

An interactive map providing an overview of world fish production. To view the data for an individual country, please roll the mouse over the map.

Food Outlook - May 2015

The FAO Food Outlook is a product of the FAO Trade and Markets Division. The report is based on information available up to May 2015.
Influence of climate change on fisheries resources in the Arab region

The current world phenomena of climate change affect directly and indirectly fisheries resources and consequently coastal fishing communities. Low-...
United Nations at Expo Milano 2015

On the first of May, the Universal Exposition, Expo Milano 2015, opened. This year, the Expo is based on the theme "Feeding the Planet, Energy for ...

Call for Essays for a forthcoming issue of Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy

The issue will be focused on “Sustainable Fisheries and Market-Based Management: Constraints and Opportunities in Less-Developed Contexts.”
WTO favors Mexico in tuna dispute with US

The WTO has ruled in favor of Mexico in a dispute over tuna with the United States that began more than 20 years ago, a high-ranking source close t...